| 14.02.21 01:25:37 | | GoogleNewsMoopy For example, in the newspaper article below, we might interpret the reporter s information differently if the article carried a London or New York dateline.
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| 14.02.21 01:25:37 | | GoogleNewsMoopy The California State University system, one of the first to announce that it would be primarily online for this academic year, has announced that it will be primarily in person in the fall.
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| 14.02.21 01:25:36 | | RXMANMoopy Lockdown love Nine months on, Italian births fall 22.
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| 14.02.21 01:25:36 | | RXMANMoopy Journalists banned from holding union meeting at newspaper s office.
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| 14.02.21 01:25:36 | | RXMANMoopy Serena Williams has [цензура] backflip behind the [цензура] her semi-final blockbuster with Ash Barty.
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| 14.02.21 01:22:27 | | GoogleNewsMoopy I was finally starting to wake up, anticipating the excitement of what would happen in my fish-buying visit.
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| 14.02.21 01:22:27 | | RXMANMoopy Six women in the UK have each given birth to 21 children.
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| 14.02.21 01:22:27 | | RXMANMoopy What are the new post-Christmas lockdown rules in Scotland.
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| 14.02.21 01:22:27 | | RXMANMoopy The value placed on local news [цензура] related to the importance that countries place on their regions more generally and the extent to which local politics matters.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:22 | | GoogleNewsMoopy The following bibliography entries assume that the sample articles are critical.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:22 | | GoogleNewsMoopy In return, publishers are being pr[цензура] cash sums and the promise of new readers.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:22 | | GoogleNewsMoopy [цензура] is the author s name in this case your name.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:20 | | RXMANMoopy There is also the titolist who only takes care of writing headlines to attract readers, and which [цензура] key to an entire headline as is the case with Il Manifesto, famous for its rich titles with two meanings see also the worst titles of Libero.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:20 | | RXMANMoopy Scottish football should cash in on English clubs splashing out on our stars.
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| 14.02.21 01:19:20 | | RXMANMoopy Affirmed, opined, exclaimed, interjected, asserted, declared, are all tacky synonyms which do nothing to help the flow of the story.
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| 14.02.21 01:16:17 | | GoogleNewsMoopy We extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to his family, friends, professors and our campus community, said the message, signed by Eric F.
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| 14.02.21 01:16:17 | | RXMANMoopy BBC Three s first online drama is a [цензура] written by rising star Marnie Dickens.
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| 14.02.21 01:16:16 | | RXMANMoopy Rafer Johnson won the decathlon gold medal at the 1960 Olympic games in Rome.
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